Category Archives: Blog

Eat Right – Train Smart – Think Better!!!

To Look Better, Feel Better and Sleep Better

Read Dr. Len’s Blog and or Watch his Vlog

Biggest Weight Loss Mistake

Probably the biggest mistake you can make when it comes to losing weight is skipping[...]

Biggest Exercise Mistake

Probably the biggest workout mistake I commonly see is someone doing their aerobic workout too[...]

Has Your Metabolism Shifted

Burning calories doesn’t mean your burning fat, which is what most people are trying to[...]

Running Outside vs Treadmill Running

There are several benefits and reasons for running, sprinting outside, as there are for running[...]

Why a Portable Pull-up Bar

Here are a few simple reasons why My Portable Pull-up and Push-up Bar may be the[...]

Food Combining for Digestive Ailments

If you struggle with bloating, heartburn, reflux or other irritable bowel problems you need to[...]

The Good and Bad of Coffee

Coffee is like many other things…the proverbial double edge sword. There are some great benefits[...]

Should you Take Testosterone

If you haven’t already seen or heard all the commercials about low T, or low[...]

DIY for Adrenal Fatigue

  The other day I spoke about fatigue, adrenal exhaustion, over-training and checking your cortisol levels for possible[...]

Magnesium for Post Workout Recovery

After a good hard workout and you and your muscles are feeling tight and tired[...]