Category Archives: Blog

Eat Right – Train Smart – Think Better!!!

To Look Better, Feel Better and Sleep Better

Read Dr. Len’s Blog and or Watch his Vlog

Are Bent Knee Situps Good For You?

Bent knee situps are so much better for you than leg raises, hanging leg raises,[...]

Is It Better to Workout by Yourself?

One of the Biggest Workout Mistakes I see all to often is working out with[...]

Good Health or Good Fitness

It would be nice to believe that if we are in good physical shape we[...]

Can’t do pull ups – Try ‘Inverted’ pull ups

Pull-ups have long been considered the best body weight exercise for your back and biceps.[...]

Coffee or Sugar for Mid-afternoon Slump?

I was recently asked, which is better for getting through those mid afternoon slumps, coffee[...]

Are you Sleepy, Bloated or Energized After a Meal?

The only thing you should be feeling after a meal is β€˜less’ hungry.Β  If you[...]

Why You Need Strength Training

After the age of 35 Everyone Loses about a half-a-pound of Lean Muscle a Year!Β [...]

Is a 5 Minute Workout Good For You?

If you’ve been wondering why a 5 minute workout can help you get in shape?[...]

Liberty Run with the Family

The other day, on the 4th of July, we did the Liberty Run here in[...]

Is it OK to Vomit After a Workout?

I was recently asked if vomiting was a good sign of a good hard workout?[...]