Breaking the Cycle

Breaking the Vicious Cycle with Dr. Len Lopez

If you want to Look Better, Feel Better, Sleep Better, and more… you need to learn how to Eat Right, Train Smart, and Think Better.Β  And the first step in making that happen begins by digesting and absorbing all the nutrients in your diet and supplement protocol.

β€œYou are ONLY as healthy as your weakest functioning system”


STRESS and DIGESTIVE ISSUESBreaking the vicious cycle of weight gain, fatigue, cravings, stress... with Dr. Len

The root cause of most health issues begin with STRESS and DIGESTIVE issues.Β  You don’t wake up one morning with fatigue, diabetes, arthritis, mood swings, high blood pressure, cravings, low-T, colitis, irritable bowel, etcetera.Β  So, lets discuss how we break this cycle, which begins with….

The first rule of Addressing the Cause – Not the Symptoms is to Do No Harm – to Your Tummy!Β 

Just because you ate it – doesn’t mean you absorbed it!Β  Your body still has to break it down and absorb it! Β 

Β If you get…

  • BloatedEat Right, Train Smart, Think Better
  • Gassy
  • Inflamed
  • Irritated
  • Diarrhea
  • Sleepy
  • Sneezy and the list goes on…


These are obvious signs your Gastro-Intestinal (GI) system isn’t functioning properly.Β  How do you expect to get healthy and fit if you’re not digesting and absorbing your food?

The only thing you should feel after eating is less hungry!


Dietary Choices or Dietary Habits?

Poor Dietary Choices consists of eating the wrong foods.Β  You could be eating poor quality and less than healthy food, and of course eating food that doesn’t combine well when you eat it.Β  Remember, food is a lot like people, some foods just don’t go well with other foods.Β  So, food combining can be very helpful in reducing a lot of your gut inflammation. eating on the run, on the go

Poor Dietary Habits come from eating in a hurry, on the go, in the car, as well as drinking too much liquid when you eat.Β  Unfortunately, there is No magic pill your doctor can give you to help you Sit, Eat, and Relax!

Why is it important to Sit, Eat and Relax?Β  It allows your digestive system to produce all the necessary Digestive Juices (enzymes and hydrochloric acid) needed to breakdown your food.Β  Your parasympathetic system, also called the Resting Digesting system, works best when you are in a state of relaxation and calm. How to eat and not get bloated

When you eat in a hurry… on the go… in the car… you DON’T allow your GI system to do its job and produce the necessary Digestive Juices needed to breakdown your food.Β  It’s not much of a problem if you are eating raw foods, which are loaded with enzymes.

Unfortunately, most people are eating cooked, packaged, processed foods loaded with more Protein, which means you NEED those Digestive Juices to help breakdown their food.Β  Otherwise, you could get all bloated and irritated because you’re allowing all this partially digested food and protein to run through your GI tract rotting and putrefying in your intestines.

Maybe all your bloating, gas, inflammation, food sensitivities, colitis and Crohn’s is rooted in the fact you’re Not giving your GI system a chance to do the job it was designed to do?

  • Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) is required to breakdown protein! No Acid = No protein digestion! Are you eating more protein?Β  Do you take acid blockers?
  • Is your Upper GI problem a result of a lack of HCL? Are you constantly eating on the go, on the run, in the car?
  • Is your Lower GI problem a result of un-digested food rotting and putrefying in your large intestine? This is how you keep feeding the BAD Bacteria.
  • HCL does more than breakdown protein. It kills all the bacteria, germs, viruses, and microbes that could be in your food.Β  Think about that the next time your waiter sneezes on your food.Β  We haven’t been eating off white table clothes all the time!

why you shouldn't drink ice cold drinks with food

Are you diluting the effectiveness of your Digestive Juices by drinking too much fluid or cold drinks?Β  It’s like putting too much water and NOT enough detergent in your washing machine. Β If you dilute your digestive juices with too much liquid you’re hindering the effectiveness of your digestive juices.


It’s not just What You Eat, it’s also How You Eat!

Yes, I’m guilty of eating on the go, on the run…and eating something in a wrapper, which is why I’m a big fan of DIGESTIVE ENZYMES.Β  They provide the necessary digestive juices for those times I am eating on the go, in a hurry… So, I don’t get a tummy ache and get all gassy, especially if I’m eating protein and wearing a belt.

  • I like Digestive Enzymes with HCL when I’m eating protein rich foods.
  • There are some good Chewable Digestive Enzymes, which don’t have HCL. They are great for kids, and I like them when I have my cheat meals!Order any of the nutritional products recommended by Dr. Len Lopez
  • Look for enzymes with Ox Bile, if you’ve had your gall bladder removed, because they help breakdown fat. Remember, you don’t have a gallbladder to store bile anymore, and your liver might not be able to make enough for that meal.
  • Some may need additional HCL than what is found in your typical digestive enzyme, especially if you’re eating more protein or have been using antacids or acid blockers. THERE IS A SPECIFIC WAY TO DOSE THE HCL CAPSULES… OTHERWISE YOU COULD CREATE A PAINFUL PROBLEM FOR YOURSELF.


Part 2 is How STRESS is a major part of Treating the Cause – Not the Symptoms and how STRESS can effect your fitness results


products and books created by Dr. Len Lopez


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