Eat Right, Train Smart, Think Better with Dr. Len Lopez Online

If you want to

To Look Better, Feel Better and Sleep Better

Watch Dr. Len’s Vlog and or read his Blog

Hormone Imbalance tied to PH Balance

Breaking the Vicious Cycle: part 1; Digestive Issues

Breaking the Vicious Cycle: part 2; STRESS is more than mental

Eat Right-Train Smart to Look, Feel and Sleep Better

Finding Your FAT Burning Zone

Run SLOWER to Burn More FAT

Is STRESS Kicking Your Rear-End?

Food Combining for Better Digestion

Exercising on Vacation Yay or Nay?

Is Your Aerobic Workout Too Fast for YOU?

Digestive Enzymes Do I Need Them?

Slow Metabolism or Metabolism SHIFT?

What Fuel Do You Burn When You Exercise?

Why a Balanced Diet May Not Work

How to Survive a Cheat Meal

Burning Calories or Burning FATS

3 Reasons for High Intensity Training (HIIT)

What’s the Best Position to Sleep In

DIY (Do-It-Yourself) Fitness Test

How to Strengthen Your Immune System

Hormone Imbalance? Think Acid-Alkaline Balance

Get More from Your CryoTherapy

Digestive Enzymes for Digestive Problems

The Number of Steps or The Intensity of Your Steps

How to Tell if Your Vitamins are Good Quality

Test Your Metabolism

Biggest Workout Mistake

Why a Green Drink

Do You Need a Supplement

Why a Portable Pull-up Bar for Home Fitness

Better to Run Outside or On an Elliptical machine?

How Muscle Imbalance leads to Aches and Pain

Portable Pull-up Bar for Women

DIY – DIY Test for Tight Hip Flexors

5 Minute (Push/Pull) Upper Body Workout

Running Outside vs a Treadmill