About Dr. Len Lopez

Dr. Len has been a nutrition and fitness expert for over 25 years. His background as a nutritionist, strength and conditioning coach and chiropractic sports physician has allowed him to grow and expand his expertise as an author, speaker, and inventor. He follows two simple motto’s…

He believes getting healthy and fit requires more than swallowing more vitamins or doing more exercise.Β  A key aspect of that is STOP doing the things that are making you worse!

Let’s Identify andΒ Address the Cause!

Next, we need toΒ Repair and RestoreΒ Normal Function back to your body.Β  The typical mistake is to swallow more supplements that don’t Address the Cause!

β€œYou’re Only as Healthy as Your Weakest Functioning System”

  • Is yourΒ Digestive SystemΒ the problem?
  • Has yourΒ MetabolismΒ shifted?
  • Are your Hormones out of balance?
  • Is it your Immune system?
  • How about your Cardiovascular system?
  • Could yourΒ workoutsΒ be the problem?
  • What about Inflammation?Β  OrΒ STRESS?

Lastly, weΒ Support and StrengthΒ the body!

Dr. Len’s Featured in…

Authority Magazine asks for 5 Lifestyle Tweaks

Total Shape asks How to Increase Testosterone

ShapeFit asks about Testing for Cortisol and Stress

CBN asks about Health and Your Spiritual Walk

Go Solo asks Bringing Health and Fitness Together

Human Window asks What Muscle Does Running Work

Medium discusses Body, Mind, and Spirit

The Christian Post: Exercise to Slow the Aging Process

Dr. Len provides both in-office and out-of-office consultations, and Second Opinions. Β  He has worked with world class athletes to stay-at-home moms and weekend warriors who have hit a plateau or sticking point in their level of health and fitness and need some direction.

He has appeared in numerous radio and television programs and writes for various publications and has been an Adjunct Professor at Parker University. He has served as an adviser for various health and nutrition companies and has successfully formulated and manufactured several nutritional products.

His training as a Chiropractic Sports Physician, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Strength and Conditioning Coach and Applied Kinesiologist gives him the background to best help his patients and clients who have hit that sticking point and need some direction in getting healthy and fit.

Health and fitness coach dr len lopez
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Dr. Len’s Recommendations:Β Β Many of the supplements recommended by Dr. Len are those that he has used both in his personal and professional life.Β  These nutritional products maintain the highest quality controls and standards in the industry and are sold via Fullscript, his Virtual shopping cart.Β  Many of the other health and fitness related products he recommends, he has either used before or researched.Β  He has no financial investment in the company or products, other than as a referral to your everyday level of health and fitness