5 STEPS a Day accountability program

How do You Feed Your Body, Mind, and Spirit?

Every day ask yourself....

5 STEPS a Day accountability calendar; eat
Physical with 5 STEPS a Day and self growth

We're taking To-do lists and Journaling to the next level

Let's Track How You Feed Your Body, Mind, and Spirit.

It’s Accountability and Feedback

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My 5 STEPS a Day calendar

It’s Not Rocket Science

Are you Improving Your Habits and Attitudes?

Would you prefer a journal?

"Not Everyone gets Motivated by reading or listening"

Would you prefer an App instead?

You can find 5 STEPS a Day on both Apple and Google.Β  We also have a TEEN Version. The STEPS are the same, but Different!

Similar to closing your rings and 10,000 steps, except we’re also tracking How You Feed Your MindΒ and Spirit.

Coming soon, a library of information…as well as a digital calendar to integrate your STEPS with your active life.

5stepsaday mobile app

Track Your Habits and Attitudes

Are you more Visual and Kinesthetic (touchy-feely)?

Every time you shade-in your steps you get this little feel good, bio-chemical, endorphin hit for your accomplishments.

My 5 STEPS a Day journal, calendar and app
To Improve Your Life
Improve Your Habits and Attitude

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5 STEPS a Day... give it a try

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β€œmotivation will get you started, but it’s habit that keeps you going” Jim Rohn

Your Habits and Attitudes are your personal auto-pilot!

Have you programmed them to help or hinder you?

5 steps a day

Improve Your Habits and Attitudes

for Personal Growth and Development

My 5 STEPS - Overview


Did I Sleep with a Smile as I dreamed about my Tomorrow? Did I fall asleep with the remote in my hand? Or worse, fall asleep thinking about tomorrow’s headaches, worries and fears?

You know it’s Not Good to feed your body junky food before bedtime, so WHY would you FEED Your MIND fearful, negative thoughts before bed?

If you can’t imagine your dreams coming true with your eyes closed – how much harder will that dream be, with your eyes wide open?

You spend a third of your life asleep, wouldn’t it be better to focus that time onto something more positive and uplifting, instead of negative and destructive?

5 STEPS a Day Accountability Journal - Sleep

You Reap what you Sow! Do you replay and dwell on too much negative self-talk? Do you need to feed your mind with more positive, uplifting words of encouragement?

Positive self-talk goes back to biblical times, when we first heard a man is as a man thinketh. The question is are you thinking you’re Bigger, Better, Bolder? Or do you spend more time thinking your Doomed, Dazed and Defeated?

Everyone has worries, fears and anxieties… the goal is to add more positive self-talk into your internal daily dialogue to encourage and inspire you, because if you THINK you can or can’t – You’re Right.

The world is’t filled with born leaders and positive thinkers – they are learned skills. The question is, are you going to learn that skill or not?

5 STEPS a Day Accountability Journal - Think

Garbage In – Garbage Out!Β  The goal is to eat better – not perfect.Β  You are the CHEF! You decide how good or bad you want to feed your body for the day, for the week.Β Β 

For a lot of people Eating right means No second serving, junk food, soft drink, dessert, candy or late night snack. And having a splurge meals is OK… but did you keep it to one meal? Or did you blow it for the day… the week?

The simple goal is to eat more good meals than bad. Three good meals a day is great, and two good meals and one not so good meal still has you moving forward and making progress.

You’re not counting calories, fats, or carbs. Or if it was processed, packaged or organic! You simply want to eat more good meals than bad for the day so you can shade-in your step and keep moving forward.

Your Body is Your Temple! Is it in need of a little makeover or a complete remodel. You decide if you want to train like an Olympian or simply want to Look Better, Feel Better, and Sleep Better.

Did you carve out time in your day to do some type of physical activity? I’m not asking if you lifted weights? Ran? Biked? or Swam? Nor am I asking if it was a full workout? Aerobic or anaerobic? Did you do something for your physical body?Β 

Don’t over-analyze the question. If you’re looking to lose weight, get in better shape, improve your level of health and fitness, you need to get in the habit of doing some type of physical activity on a regular basis.

Gardening, walking the dog, mowing the yard, shooting hoops with the kids could all be considered physical exercise for some! And, let’s not forget, there’s a reason the term Strong Body – Strong Mind has been around for centuries… it offers so many benefits.

Neglecting Your Spirit is like Skipping a Meal – it Leaves You Empty! Your spiritual muscles are like your physical muscles! You can’t exercise once a week, once a month – and expect to be physically strong.

Nor does being born into a certain religious belief guarantee any spiritual strength. You have to invest some time and energy, as we are all at a different spiritual starting point.

There are several ways to work your spiritual muscles besides reading the Good Book. You can listen and watch podcasts and programs, fellowship with others, Christian music, attend service, and of course you can serve.

Don’t Neglect your spiritual muscles. Some haven’t had their spiritual muscles tested -yet! And maybe you’re meant to be the crutch to help somone else in their time of need.

5 STEPS a Day Accountability Journal


It’s an easy to follow blueprint that will enable you to track and measure your progress, while making it easier to accomplish what matters most.
Craig Sabin
Executive Business Coach
The 5 STEPS are straightforward. Simple to understand and digest!
Stephen N.
Financial Advisor

About Dr. Len Lopez

Dr. Len is a nutrition and fitness expert, as well as, inventor. For over 25 years he has preached “Eat Right – Train Smart” for better health and fitness. He has also been an avid student of personal development and believes, if you are what you eat and what you think – you get to decide what goes into your proverbial pantry that feeds Your Body, Mind, and Spirit.

drlen lopez

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Improve Your Habits and Attitudes with the
5 Steps a Day app.

Track How You Feed Your Body, Mind, and Spirit.
5stepsaday app