Tag Archives: christian nutritionist

Food Combining for Better Digestion

The purpose of food combining is two-fold, you want to reduce the amount of bloating,[...]

How to Tell If Your Supplements are High Quality

With every advertiser and friend suggesting their vitamin supplements are of the highest quality, there[...]

Eat Right – Train Smart

Are you Eating Right and Training Smart for Your Current Level of Health and Fitness.[...]

The Difference Between Health and Fitness

Is Good Fitness the same as Good Health?  Or does Good Health automatically mean you[...]

Why Acid-Alkaline Balance is Important

Did you know your body has to work harder when you are acidic?  And that[...]

Losing Weight or Losing FAT?

Which is more important – losing weight or losing FAT? In case you didn’t know[...]

Lose Weight and Get in Better Shape This Year

With the New Year upon us, it’s time to start our new year’s resolution, which[...]

Post Workout Supplements

  What should i take after my workout?  Protein? Creatine? Carbs? I was recently asked,[...]

Digestive Enzymes for Digestive Problems

Before you swallow more fish oils, green drinks or eat more protein – you need[...]

Biggest Weight Loss Mistake

Probably the biggest mistake you can make when it comes to losing weight is skipping[...]