Category Archives: Blog

Eat Right – Train Smart – Think Better!!!

To Look Better, Feel Better and Sleep Better

Read Dr. Len’s Blog and or Watch his Vlog

STRESS and the Vicious Cycle part 2

Stress is more than worry, fear, and anxiety.  It’s essentially anything that triggers your adrenal[...]

Breaking the Cycle

If you want to Look Better, Feel Better, Sleep Better, and more… you need to[...]

My New Year’s Resolution to Eat Right and Train Smart…

It’s the New Year and aside from making more money the biggest concern for most[...]

Finding Your Fat Burning Zone part 2

To recap part 1)  Run Slower to Burn More Fat… as your heart rate increases[...]

Run Slower to Burn More FAT!

If you’re not getting the results you want from your aerobic workout, maybe you need[...]

Stress is More Than Worry, Fear, and Anxiety

Stress is more than worry, fear and anxiety.  Stress tears you down by overworking your[...]

Food Combining for Better Digestion

The purpose of food combining is two-fold, you want to reduce the amount of bloating,[...]

Exercising on Vacation – Yay or Nay?

Should you exercise when you go on vacation?  That depends, in my opinion, a vacation[...]

Are You Doing Your Aerobic Workout – Too Fast?

Are you doing your aerobic workout – at too fast of a pace?  Are you[...]

Digestive Enzymes – Do I Need Them

  If you are not sure if a digestive enzyme could help you, here are[...]