Shade-in your daily STEPS to see how well you are feeding Your Body, Mind, and Spirit.
Not everyone gets inspired by reading or listening to another “How to” book or podcast.
My STEPS program activates your ‘visual’ and ‘kinesthetic’ learning centers to anchor those all-important habits and attitudes.
Download an individual month; order our weekly Journal or monthly calendar to start tracking how well you are feeding your body, mind and spirit?
Has Your Metabolism shifted and burning carbs instead of fats?
Your body burns calories from either carbohydrates, proteins or fats!
You can burn calories all day long – but if you’re burning carbs and lean muscle, you will struggle with weight gain, fatigue, cravings, mood swings, etc.
Diet and Exercise are important – but Stress could be that missing piece of the puzzle…
Learn how STRESS, DIET and EXERCISE trigger your hormones to burn or store fats.
Stress, cortisol over-load, adrenal depletion are often overlooked by mainstream medicine.
This easy to read e-book will explain how stress can be the cause of:
If you are living in that ‘fight or flight’ mode throughout the day…learn how it could be the cause of your health issues.
Results are everything…if your workouts aren’t giving you the results you are expecting – maybe there is a mistake you need to address.
This easy to read e-book will open your eyes to many of the common mistakes.
Exercise is one piece of the puzzle when it comes to adding shape and tone to your body. Don’t let these common mistakes slow down your progress.
Learn some important do’s and don’ts — as learn how Diet, Rest and of course Stress can affect your results.
It’s not about training harder or longer…it’s about training and dieting smarter.