5 STEPS a DAY versus 10,000 steps

Compare 5 STEPS a Day to 10,000 steps a day

Let’s compare 10,000 steps to 5 STEPS a Day.Β  To begin with, taking 10,000 steps a day is an accomplishment!Β  You moved your Physical body; great job; pat yourself on the back.Β  This is important considering most people don’t get enough daily exercise. Two-thirds of our population are overweight or obese so it is good to regularly move our Physical body.Β  But we should also look at What we Feed our Body… as well as our Mind, and Spirit.



5 STEPS for Body, Mind, and Spirit

The word, STEPS is an acronym for Sleep, Think, Eat, Physical, and Spirit.

compare 5 STEPS a Day to 10,000 steps

These 5 letters represent your Body, Mind, and Spirit.Β  Whether you realize it or not, every day you feed Your Body, Mind, and Spirit.Β  The bigger question is, are you feeding yourself the good β€˜stuff’ or not?Β  Let me explain how 5 STEPS a Day not only track what you do with your Physical body, but also tracks how you feed your Mind, and Spirit.

Let start with your Physical body and compare 5 STEPS a Day to 10,000 steps. Everyday simply shade-in the step for the action you took in your calendar, journal or app.

Did I EAT right today?

Did I exercise my Physical body today?


Did I EAT right? Did I get PHYSICAL today?


If you did, shade in the corresponding step.Β  If you didn’t leave it blank.Β  I didn’t ask if you ran, biked, swam or danced?Β  If it was aerobic or anaerobic?Β  Or if it was a full workout.Β  Nor did I ask if you had 3 perfect meals.Β  Or how many carbs or calories you ate.

I simply asked if you found some time in your day to get in the habit of being physically active, and if you ate well for the day – Not perfect.Β  Some days you may have that bad, cheat meal.Β  But two goods meals and one not so good meal is still a step in the right direction.Β  Yes, 3 good meals would be better, just like Home Runs are better than singles, so 2 steps forward and one back, still has you moving forward.

Good week of 5 STEPS a DayBy the end of the day, week or month you can β€˜visually’ see how good or bad of a job you did at feeding5 STEPS a Day view of a bad week and exercising your Physical body. Β And it’s the visual image of all your progress, all those steps shaded-in that anchors those better habits and attitudes.Β  That’s the real benefit of 5 STEPS a Day.Β  It helps improve your habits and attitude.



What about Feeding Your MIND

Feeding your mind is similar to feeding your body, just as some calories are better for you than others.Β  Some thoughts encourage, motivate, and inspire you – and other thoughts bring worry, fear and negativity into your head… into your thinking!Β  That’s why you reap what you sow.

You’re the Adult, you get to decide what goes in your β€˜mental grocery’ cart. And you get to decide if you want to give yourself some positive, uplifting thoughts to build your confidence and self-esteem during the day, as well as when you went to sleep?Β  If you did, shade in the corresponding step.

Sleep and Think are 2 of the 5 STEPS a Day


Everyone knows it’s NOT good to feed your body junkie food before bedtime, so why would you feed your Subconscious Mind, junkie thoughts before going to sleep?Β  Are you spending a third of your life feeding yourself worry, fear, and negativity?Β  Or do you fall asleep daydreaming about your tomorrow, because you’re Sleeping with a Smile, you’re dreaming and visualizing your goals and wants.

If you can’t imagine your dreams coming true with your eyes closed, how much harder is it going to be with your eyes wide open?

Sleeping with a smile comes about as a result of you taking those last minutes before falling asleep and visualizing the victories, dreams and accomplishments you want to see happen.Β  Β If you’re not sure what your goals and dreams are, that’s OK for now.Β  You can still β€œready the ship for sail” you can anchor various uplifting affirmations and quotes into your subconscious as you fall asleep.

Self-talk might be a little awkward at first, but people dine, exercise, sleep, and vacation by themselves… so get over it and start reminding yourself that you’re Bigger, Better, Bolder both during the day, as well as when you sleep.

The world isn’t filled with Born Leaders and Positive Thinkers… those are learned skills.Β  The question is, are you going to learn those skills or NOT?

What about my Spiritual muscles?

The last step is used for feeding your spirit!Β  Remember, we are body, mind, and Spirit – and to Neglect your Spirit is like skipping a meal, it leaves you empty.

The SLEEP step of 5 STEPS a Day

You can’t expect to have the spiritual strength needed in today’s world, if you only work your spiritual muscles once a week, once a month, OR LESS.Β  Nor can you expect to have much spiritual strength simply by being born into a religious belief. Β You need to invest some time and energy.Β  Yes, we all come from different starting points.Β  Some were raised with it, others weren’t, and others were told it was malarky. So, there will be those who are lost, others are looking and some have been let down.

Like exercise, there is more than one way to strengthen your spiritual muscles.Β  You are the Chef!Β  How do you want to feed your spirit?Β  Maybe your spiritual muscles haven’t been tested – Yet. Β And maybe your spiritual strength is what’s going to help another friend in need… who knows?

Yes, reading and attending services are great ways to strengthen your spirit.Β  You can also listen to shows and podcasts on your phone, in your car, there’s music and of course you can fellowship with others to strengthen your spiritual muscles.

5 STEPS a Day

There you have it, 5 STEPS versus 10,000 steps a day.Β  One address only your physical body.Β  The other address Not just your Body, but also your Mind, and Spirit.Β  5 STEPS is especially helpful for Visual and Kinesthetic learners, because it’s those visual images of your progress that anchors those better habits and attitudes.

It’s Accountability and Feedback5 STEPS a Day to be Bigger, Better, Bolder

It’s Not Rocket Science!

It takes 2-minutes to track your daily STEPS!

Not everyone gets inspired by reading or listening to the latest β€œhow to” program.

It’s kind of like Seinfeld’s calendar, but it’s more than productivity we’re tracking, we’re looking at how you’re feeding your body, mind, and spirit.Β  There’s No other program like it.

Check it out.Β  There’s the classic paper and pencil method with our calendar or journal, and we just activated the 5 STEPS a Day app, which is in it’s early stage.Β  I hope you check it out.Β  Soon enough we will be offering helpful insights on health and fitness, personal development, leadership, relationships, parenting and spiritual growth.Β  I hope you can check it out.

5 STEPS a Day calendar, journal and online app

There’s also a Teen version coming soon to help build their confidence and self-esteem.

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