Eat Right, Train Smart, Think Better with Dr. Len online
has your metabolism shifted or has it slowed down?
Which Fuel is Your Body burning when you Workout?
Which Fuel does Your Body burn the other 23 hours of the day?
Burning Calories is Not the same as burning FATS!
…and losing weight is not the same as Losing the Fat and Flab!
Henry Ford said, If you think you can or think you can’t – you’re right.

Garbage in – Garbage out, applies to feeding your body, mind and spirit

β€œDon't confuse burning calories with burning calories from stored Body Fat - you could be burning lean muscle, if you don't Eat Right and Train Smart"

Dr. Len Lopez

Eat Right – Train Smart - Think Better

Most people diet and exercise toΒ Look Better, Feel Better and Sleep Better.Β Β If you’re Diet and Fitness goals have hit a sticking point or plateau, I invite you to read further and watch our videos. You may find the answers you’re looking for. Β 

Dr. Len’s background as aΒ Nutritionist, Strength and Conditioning Coach and Chiropractic Sports PhysicianΒ  taught him that Β β€˜just because you ate it – doesn’t mean you absorbed it.” Β Nor does simply exercising and sweating for an hour guarantee fitness results. And feeding your mind is like feeding your body, Garbage In – Garbage Out!


It’s all about getting the most for Your T.E.A.M. – Your Time, Energy And Money!Β 

Come learn how to Eat Right , Train Smart and Think Better

To Look Better, Feel Better, Sleep Better and more…

Do No Harm – To Your Tummy!

Just because You Ate it – Doesn’t mean Your Body Absorbed it!

If your tummy is constantly irritated and inflamed? How do you expect to Nourish and Strengthen Your Body?

If You get bloated, gassy, inflamed, irritated, diarrhea, etcetera… that’s a sign your Digestive System is Not Working Properly.Β Β 

Is it an Upper GI problem? A Lower GI problem? Or both?

Eat Right, Train Smart, Think Better

Has Your Metabolism Shifted?

Your body Burns Calories throughout the day to produce Energy by burning carbohydrates, proteins and fats!

Burning more calories doesn’t mean – burning more calories from FATS.

People who struggle with weight gain, fatigue, cravings, mood swings, hormonal imbalance, etc….are typically burning more carbs and proteins (lean muscle), instead of Fats throughout the day!

Is it Your Diet, Your Dietary Habits and/or Stress that have shifted your metabolism?

Dietary Habits are a Major Problem

When you eat, your digestive system is designed to contribute various Digestive Juices (enzymes and acid) to breakdown your food.

When you eat on the go, on the run, in the car… your GI system doesn’t produce the necessary Digestive Juices needed to breakdown your food.

How do you expect to breakdown PROTEIN, cooked, packaged, processed food… without those digestive juices?


think better
Stress is more than worry, fear and anxiety.

Exercise is a form of Stress!

Intensity Matters When it Comes to Adding Lean Muscle

Your exercise intensity matters
should you exercise when on vacation?

Burning the Wrong Fuel

Stress, Cortisol and Over-Stressing Your Body




Feeding Your Mind is like Feeding Your Body!


think better


Your Mind processes about 50,000 thoughts a day!


think better


Your Subconscious Mind Never Sleeps!


think better


Sleeping with a Smile

There's more with Dr. Len