Health Quizzes

Use our On-Line Health Quizzes to Un-cover the Root of Your Health Issue(s)
dr len lopez

Is Stress throwing off your metabolism and causing fatigue, weight gain, cravings, hormonal imbalances, etc. Your body can ONLY handle so much stress!
Check to see if your problems could be a result of too much stress.

If your digestive system the underlying problem? How do you expect to nourish and strengthen your body if your tummy is inflamed and irritated?. Poor digestion is the root of so many problems.

Your large intestine, liver and lymphatic system make up the sewer system to your body. If you struggle with constipation, acne, difficult menses, fatigue, etc, it could be you have too many toxins poisoning you from the inside.

Has your metabolism shifted? Are you burning fats or carbs and lean muscle? It’s about burning fats the other 23 hours you are not working out. Is your metabolism working for you or against you?

Health and fitness are two separate things. Test to see if you are healthy and/or fit. Maybe you’re not as healthy or as fit as you thought?

The quizzes help identify the cause of your problem. You Can’t Address every health issue at once. You need a step-by-step approach
If you would like a Second Opinion for your health and fitness needs, schedule a half hour consultation with Dr. Lopez.
dr len lopez
Getting healthy is Not about swallowing more pills or training longer.
It’s about Eating Right and Training Smart!
eat right and train smart